Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Grandparents are so embarrassing.

So last Monday, i decided i hadn't seen my grandparents for such a long time. well i say a long time, really i mean a week and a half or so. but this is a VERY long time for me. i used to go to their house 3 or 4 times a week, but now its very hard as my life has become soooooo busy. im incredibly close with my grandparents, and im not even afraid to admit it. they are like my best friends. their house is basically my second home :) they have been very supportive over these years since i lost both my other grandparents :( but anyway... getting on with the point...

So on Monday, my nanny and granddad picked me up after school and took me back to their house. my nanny made me a sandwich and gave me some crisps for my energy for rowing. was AMAZING, i love her sandwiches. my granddad and i then started talking about what i wanted to do when i left school. i have no idea. im not quite sure how but we started talking about how im going off to Spain next week. think it must of had something to do with the fact i said i wanted to travel when im older. my granddad then raced upstairs to find some euros he had left (he used to travel everywhere, he was in the army or something like that). we counted it out and there was 110£. he gave it to me and because im such a nice person i gave half to my brother because we are alwayss going out to Spain. we then left for rowing INCREDIBLY EARLY. no seriously. like 40 minutes earlier than we should of. this was because my Granddad was scared we were going to get stuck in traffic.

we didn't get stuck in traffic. not at all! so as we were going down the Dual carriageway way, he decided he would go at 5MPH. that's not even a joke. he was actually going that slow. all the cars over took us and looked at us as if we had some sort of problems. im not surprised to be honest. i honestly couldn't think of anything worse. clearly i was wrong....

this slow driving continued ALL the way down to rowing. not funny. i then realised how early we were and decided i didn't want them to park in the normal car park because that's were everyone i know goes and that would be embarrassing being seen with them. im not being mean but i do find it hugely embarrassing /: so my granddad drove into the car park i had told him to. there i was thinking we would just sit there for 20 minutes -.-. but NO, we have to get out and go for a walk. i didn't want to say no because i didn't want to be rude.

so we went for a walk down the river. i walked the opposite way to where we do the rowing, in case i saw anyone i knew. we went and stood by the kayaking and sort of just stood there. we then decided we would go and sit in the was closed -.- so then i suggested i went and helped set up, meaning they could go and i could just go down. buttt nooooo, they came with me. so by this point i decided i wasn't going to go and help because 1, nothing actually needed setting up i was just trying to hint the fact they could go, and 2, i didn't want them coming too. so we went and sat on a bench which was quite near where we row.

however, it was reaalllyyy cold there. so my granddad suggested we went and sat in the car for 15 minutes. that's what we did... for 1 minute! my nanny then suggested we went to the other car park. i was like 'i think were ok here' 'i don't know if we are allowed in the other car park' 'no its ok don't worry'. clearly they didn't take in anything i said, my granddad said 'im going to drive you down to the other car park and see if anyone is there'.

so yes, he drove down to the other car park. EVERYONE WAS THERE. including all the coaches. we just drove right through, i tried to make him drive quicker and park so i could get out but noooo he has to go slow. i didn't understand why, normally he drives suppperrrrrr quick. SO FRIKIN' EMBARRASSING!!

They came round for dinner that night too, haha.

Got to love grandparents, i certainly love mine :) ... that's not sarcastic by the way.


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